Metro Centers For Community Advocacy

About this Organization

Metro, established in 1986, is a community-based, independent, non-profit 501(c) (3) social service agency serving victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. Metro currently provides wrap-around services, including individual advocacy, information and referrals, group support, children's program, medical advocacy, legal assistance in obtaining restraining orders, sheltering, counseling, safety planning, and caregiver support to survivors in eight (8) southeast Louisiana parishes. Metro does community outreach through our community educator. He offers age appropriate educational programs in elementary/high school, universities and working professionals upon request. Metro provides services in Spanish and Vietnamese. Metro has a main office complex, one shelters, and 5 satellite offices. Metro provides a 24/7 Crisis Line - 504-837-5400- for crisis counseling and/or referrals for victims. All services provided for survivors by Metro are free and confidential.

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