Nonprofit Resources

Nonprofit Toolkit

This page provides everything nonprofits will need to make GiveNOLA Day successful! Here you will find event logos and other resources to help spread the word and raise more money on May 6, 2025.

Registration Information

Nonprofit registration is open from  February 3 - March 18. See the resources below to help you be successful. 

Info Sessions & Training Webinars

February 10: New GiveNOLA Day Website Training

This year you will notice that the GiveNOLA Day website has undergone some slight changes.   

To help nonprofits navigate the updates, there will be a virtual training session on February 10th at 2:30 PM. The webinar will be conducted by Mary DeMar, Giving Days Project Manager from Neon One. Participants will be guided through the new website and will also be provided with a detailed step by step overview of the registration process. 

The webinar has been recorded and can be accessed by clicking the link here.

Important Key Dates

February 3: Nonprofit Registration Opens

February 10: Nonprofit Registration Webinar

February 3 – February 21: Early Bird Registration Period

March 18: Nonprofit Registration Closes

April 26: Last Day for Nonprofits to Edit Profiles

April 29 – May 5: Early Giving Period

May 6: GiveNOLA Day

June 30: Estimated ACH Disbursement

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When can my organization register for GiveNOLA Day?

    Registration opens February 3, 2025, and the registration deadline is March 18, 2025.  

    Early bird registration is from February 3, 2025 to February 21, 2025. Nonprofits that complete their registration by the end of the Early Bird Registration period will be eligible to be featured on the Greater New Orleans Foundation's social media channels. Please note that due to high demand, nonprofit social media features are not guaranteed.

  • Is there a fee to participate?

    No, there is not. However, there is a credit card processing fee of 2.2% plus $0.30 per transaction (+1% for American Express) and ACH payment processing fee of $1.00 + 1%.

    The Greater New Orleans Foundation has worked diligently to minimize fees incurred by participating nonprofit organizations, and we do not receive any fees from GiveNOLA Day.

  • How do I register?

    Download our instruction manual containing registration & profile tips!

  • What are “goals” and how do I update mine?

    Your “goal” is a public-facing metric that will be displayed on your profile during the early giving period and on GiveNOLA Day. This fundraising goal number can be edited leading up to and on GiveNOLA Day.

  • What is the Lagniappe Fund?

    At the end of the event, every nonprofit will receive a proportional share of this fund based upon its percentage of the total dollars raised. The equation to calculate Lagniappe dollars is: 

    Amount a nonprofit raises ÷ Amount raised by ALL nonprofits for GiveNOLA Day = Their Lagniappe Fund percentage

  • How do I set up a Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser?

    Please download our instruction manual in order to learn how to set up a Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser for your organization. 

  • Why should my organization participate?

    GiveNOLA Day can help your nonprofit organization increase your donations, reach new donors, and raise awareness about your organization's work. Additionally, participating organizations are eligible to receive proportional Lagniappe Fund money and prizes.

  • How do I know if my organization is eligible?

    Eligible organizations must be:

    • 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that are in good standing with the IRS and the Louisiana Secretary of State. Organizations without a 501(c)(3) status must be fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is in good standing with the IRS and the Louisiana Secretary of State.
    • Organizations that service and have a mailing address in the Greater New Orleans Foundation’s 13-parish region. Eligible parishes are Assumption, Jefferson, Lafourche, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Terrebonne, and Washington parishes.
    • All organizations or their fiscal sponsor must submit a letter of determination to substantiate approval with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that it in good standing with the IRS and the Louisiana Secretary of State.

    Ineligible organizations include: 

    • Private foundations (operating and non-operating), governmental units, foreign organizations, individuals, 509(a)(4), and disqualified supporting organizations are not eligible to participate in GiveNOLA Day.

    Approval of an organization's participation in GiveNOLA Day does not constitute an express or implied endorsement by the Greater New Orleans Foundation or any other Giving Day partner of a nonprofit or its mission.

    The Greater New Orleans Foundation reserves the right to decline any organization's participation in the GiveNOLA Day program at any time, for any reason, at our discretion. In such a case, any donations to a disqualified organization will be refunded, and the disqualified organization will not be eligible for prizes. 

  • What do I do if registration is closed?

    Registration for GiveNOLA Day 2025 is open from February 3 to March 18. If you are trying to register after March 18, you will not be able to participate in GiveNOLA Day 2025. To be notified of GiveNOLA Day 2025 registration dates, please sign up below. 

  • How do I keep up-to-date on the latest GiveNOLA Day nonprofit news?

    We know there is a lot going on while we all get ready for GiveNOLA Day. To help keep everyone on the same page we put out a weekly GiveNOLA Day nonprofit email newsletter. This newsletter will contain reminders, updates, notices about events, tips to make the most of GiveNOLA Day, frequently asked questions, and more!

  • How much of the donations will go to my organization?

    Your organization will receive at least 96% of the donations received on GiveNOLA Day. However, there is a credit card processing fee of 2.2% plus $0.30 per transaction (+1% for American Express) and ACH payment processing fee of $1.00 + 1%. Your organization will receive 100% of any Lagniappe Funds or prizes.

  • When will my organization receive its donations?

    Your organization will receive donations, prize money, and Lagniappe Fund money in a single ACH transfer projected to be distributed by June 30. All disbursements will be made by ACH transfer from the Greater New Orleans Foundation. 

    Although each nonprofit will be able to see its gifts in real-time, please be aware that reconciliation must be completed, and even though gifts are considered non-refundable, a donation can be revoked for a variety of reasons from the time of receipt to the time of disbursement. Adjustments to donations cannot be made after June 9. Therefore, donation "reports" cannot be considered final until the nonprofit receives a disbursement from the Greater New Orleans.

    Please let us know if you have not received your fund transfer by July 30. 

  • I need more technical support!

    Please visit the NeonOne Support Center for more detailed information for donors and nonprofits.

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