Women's National Book Association--New Orleans

About this Organization

What is WNBA-NOLA? We are truly a wonderful community of thinkers and writers. Have you noticed that we are living at a time where an anti-book climate has been festering? We have a role to play in fighting attacks on Louisianans' right to read and write. A little background: WNBA-NOLA is a chapter of the Women's National Book Association which was founded in 1917 (before women had the right to vote) when women were excluded from national publishing gatherings. WNBA-New Orleans was founded in June 2011. Our chapter members are book lovers, booksellers, editors, librarians, publishers, scholars and writers. WNBA-New Orleans meets regularly at various locations in the New Orleans area. We discuss varied literary topics of interest with a lot of great speakers and networking! So join us! Let's have a chat about your recent writing, your latest favorite readings, your concerns about censorship. Come spend some time with the very, very cool members of the best collection of New Orleans-area pro-woman writers and thinkers. Check out!

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