Urban Tree

About this Organization

Urban Tree in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation has introduced the Community Canopy program to the area. This is a free program that delivers trees directly to the homeowner to plant on their private property. Trees delivered through this program become part of a community canopy where we can measure the amount of stormwater that is kept out of the storm drains that reduce flooding, the amount of pollution that is filtered from the air, the amount of carbon/pollution that is stored in tree trunks and energy savings cost. Urban Tree advocates for the protection of Live Oaks, Cypress, Magnolia, Sycamore and Elms, not just because they are beautiful and part of our cultural heritage, but because they play an important role in flood protection and clean urban environments. In working with our elected officials, we advocate for policy that combines green infrastructure (trees and greenspace) with grey infrastructure (pipes and drains) to work together to mitigate flooding and provide wind protection. By working together, we can create healthier urban areas with cleaner air and a higher quality of life.

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