University of Holy Cross

About this Organization

The University of Holy Cross is a private liberal arts institution founded in 1916 by the Marianites of Holy Cross, a Catholic congregation of women dedicated to educating minds and hearts, with emphasis on outreach to the under-represented. What once was a Ninth Ward "Normal School" has evolved into a contemporary, coeducational institution of three Colleges: Nursing and Health Sciences; Liberal Arts and Sciences; and Counseling, Education, and Business. We proudly are a New Orleans institution, with 99% of our students from the 7-parish Metropolitan Area and 98% of graduates remaining here. Although a Catholic institution, we seek students of all religious denominations and ethnic backgrounds. Finally, we take very seriously the Marianites' historic resolve to provide opportunities for the under-represented. A recent survey of first-time freshmen indicated that nearly 40% of respondents are the first in their families to pursue a college degree. This past semester, nearly 80% of our students-entirely local and a mix of traditional college-age as well as mature, working adults-met the Federal qualifications for student assistance.

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