Turning Tables

About this Organization

Turning Tables was launched in 2019 by hospitality leaders who found a thirst for opportunity and community among Black hospitality professionals in New Orleans. Our vision was to create a bartending program that actually reflected the city we serve. Our 12-week workforce development program meets this need by connecting students with: (1) accessible and holistic bar training that focuses on their individual needs and goals; (2) mentorship provided by leaders in the bar community that represent diverse backgrounds; and (3) a network that promotes belonging and actively builds more equitable spaces within the industry. We work with the hospitality industry and brands to introduce students to a range of career pathways with opportunities for growth within the three tier system, including trade advocacy, marketing, management, and production. We also take our students to the source to learn about the process of creating spirits, beer and wine. Alongside classroom learning, a real-life application is woven into the fabric of our curriculum through on-location training in New Orleans' top bars, restaurants, night clubs, and music venues. Based on their individual interests and goa

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