The Bright School

About this Organization

The Bright School is an Early Intervention program for children with any degree of hearing loss in the New Orleans metropolitan area and surrounding parishes. We provide expert, individualized instruction to students and holistic support to their families. Bright School works with families to help these children progress cognitively, socially, and emotionally so that they will be able to join a typical class with little or no support. Parents often come to us with limited resources, and no outside guidance to help them access options for their child's development and care. Ensuring that parents are informed about raising a Deaf or hard of hearing child is a pillar of our program. We are proud never to have turned away a child for financial reasons. The Bright School's sustainability for some 53 years can be attributed to our willingness to adapt to meet the needs of the community. As technology and best practices have evolved over the years, Bright School has stayed current , using many different philosophies and methods to better serve our children. Our collaborative partnerships are constantly growing, too. We continue to formalize relationships with other agencies.

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