Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival

About this Organization

We are a five-day literary arts festival held every spring close to March 26, the birthday of our patron saint and inspiration, playwright Tennessee Williams. Our Festival is perfect for readers, writers, theater lovers, and anyone who loves New Orleans culture. Our Festival events include writing workshops by acclaimed writers, enlightening and entertaining literary panel discussions, theater events, a book fair, Tennessee Williams Tribute Reading, Tennessee Williams scholars conference, literary walking tours, writing marathons, music events, culinary and cocktail events, interviews with legendary writers and actors, non-traditional theatre events, and much more! Programming also includes Saints & Sinners LGBTQ+ Literary Festival and community outreach events like Coffee and Craft writing workshops at Baldwin & Co. Now in our 39th year, TWFest annually brings together over 100 contemporary writers, scholars, actors, musicians, and other artists for five days of literary revelry in the lush Bohemian world of New Orleans.

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