Rebuilding Together New Orleans

About this Organization

At Rebuilding Together New Orleans, we believe that everyone has the right to live in a safe and healthy house. For more than 30 years we've been working to improve the homes and lives of New Orleanians across the city. With the help of more than 1,200 volunteers each year, the critical repairs we provide allow our homeowners to live in safety, comfort, and independence and remain in their longtime homes, protecting the generational fabric of our neighborhoods. Since 1988, we've hosted more than 25,000 volunteer to complete over 2,000 projects for some of New Orleans' most vulnerable populations. Hundreds of AmeriCorps members have called RTNO home, and we're continuing to invest in our city's youth by providing job training and civic leadership opportunities year-round. Together, with our corporate and community partners, we repair homes, revitalize communities and rebuild lives. We hope that you'll join us and become a [Re]Builder today.

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