The Promise of Justice Initiative

About this Organization

Because racism and mass incarceration are entrenched and pervasive, PJI's approach is multifaceted, including collective action, legislative advocacy, civil and criminal litigation, direct support, and reframing narrative discourse.
We build power and reshape systems through policy change, coalition building, educating stakeholders, and centering the experiences of impacted communities. We use civil and strategic criminal litigation to gain rights, win freedom, and put pressure on Louisiana's massive carceral system. We support clients and families by organizing family visits, providing financial support, and bridging the challenges of incarceration. We use storytelling to challenge narratives and shed light onto racist and unjust systems that thrive in the shadows.
PJI is a dynamic organization that is adept at evolving to meet the demands of our current moment. We are focused on ending slavery in Louisiana through our End Plantation Prisons campaign, fighting for retroactivity for people incarcerated by unconstitutional non-unanimous jury verdicts through our Jim Crow Juries project, and abolishing the death penalty.

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