The Pro Bono Project

About this Organization

The Pro Bono Project exists to ensure that all under-served citizens of six local Louisiana parishes can find lawyers willing to donate time and civil legal experience to help them resolve civil legal problems. These issues range from family law matters and estate planning to bankruptcy and consumer debt. The Project provides free legal services in civil cases with merit (excluding emergencies, criminal cases, or civil cases that are fee-generating). We establish income eligibility by using the federal poverty level guidelines. In addition to individual representation, The Pro Bono Project conducts legal clinics throughout the area including those devoted to successions, family law, homeless issues, consumer debt problems, and elder law. The Pro Bono Project operates self-help centers for pro se domestic litigants at both Orleans Civil District Court and at the 24th Judicial District Court. Additionally, we operate a self-help center for pro se bankruptcy filers at the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. We provide assistance to over 5,000 families a year. We provide services to all walks of life- young, old, single or married.

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