Prescription Joy

About this Organization

WHAT IS HEALTHCARE CLOWNING? Healthcare clowning provides emotional resilience to families undergoing the fear and stress of illness, loss, and the unknown. Trained healthcare clowns, tailored to fit sensitive environments (without red nose or face paint), enter a space with a playful sense of naivety and guide those undergoing a healing process and their loved ones to reconnect using imaginative interactions. The clowns use the tools of character, improvisation, music, etc. to transform the environment from one of boredom, fear, and stress to one of warmth, connection, humor, and joy. Healthcare clowning allows families to be families again, and bring those suffering back to a sense of self through play. See our 42 minute documentary all about the work and who we serve! WHO DO WE SERVE? Prescription Joy interacts with children, families, older adults, and staff members of the following locations: -Manning Family Children's Hospital (Formerly CHNOLA) -Ochsner's Hospital for Children -St.Bernard Parish Hospital -The New Orleans Women and Children's Shelter -LightHouse Louisiana

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