About this Organization

For more than 25 years, the New Orleans Police & Justice Foundation (NOPJF) has been the preeminent support system of the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) while being a champion of public safety in the Greater New Orleans region through excellence in policing and positive community engagement. Since our inception, we have contributed more than $27,000,000 in support of the brave women and men who wear the badge and protect our city. The NOPJF provides equipment, training, recruiting assistance, and technology not made possible through the city budget. Our focus lies on our officers and on our community. The Foundation has supported the NOPD through a myriad of unprecedented challenges. Support for the NOPJF supports our overall effort to reduce crime and enhance the operational capacity of the New Orleans Police Department. Community funding is critical to the continuation of NOPJF programs intended to make New Orleans a safer place to live, work and play. Without continued funding, long standing programs may be cut back and the number of officers served likely reduced. NOPD needs the NOPJF and the NOPJF needs the New Orleans community.

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