New Orleans Pride Center

About this Organization

The New Orleans Pride Center was founded in 2023 in response to the closing of the previous LGBTQ+ community center. Recognizing the vital need to have a resource and community hub, a group of community members experienced with nonprofit governance and operations came together to build a new nonprofit with the vision of creating a truly sustainable LGBTQ+ community center for the Greater New Orleans region. At a time when our communities, especially youth, are facing increased oppression and health barriers, there was no question as to the need to have such a space. The community agreed, and in less than a year, in April 2024, we held the grand opening for the New Orleans Pride Center (NOPC), with more than 300 community members joining us for a rainbow festooned second line to the new space. In addition to the many wonderful programs being held at NOPC by our community partners, we have also created our own monthly programs to help fill gaps in community services that were identified during our community engagement process.

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