Girls Rock New Orleans

About this Organization

After a long hiatus, Girls Rock* New Orleans Summer Rock Camp is ready to return! We are an all- volunteer run summer camp that focuses on music instruction and education, including specialty workshops, a mentor program, a final live showcase of all the bands and more. We need your help! Our volunteers work as instrument instructors, mentors, band coaches, workshop leaders, food and gear crew, to name a few. Help us pay these amazing individuals a stipend for their dedication and commitment (many whom have to take off work to make this happen). In addition, we would love to stipend our teen mentors who will be working alongside the campers all week. We are a sliding-scale camp in which campers pay what they can-- no one is turned away for lack of funds. We've operated on a shoestring budget since our inaugural camp in 2014, providing high quality and professional instrument instruction and workshops to our campers, along with amazing lunches and healthy snacks all throughout the week. Help us do it again! You can learn more about us in this short clip !

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