New Orleans Bulldog Rescue

About this Organization

In addition to rehabilitation and rehoming of dogs, NOBR also has the following programs: New Orleans Bulldog Rescue is supported by the NOBR Canine Aid & Pleasure Club. The club coordinates volunteer opportunities and social events throughout the year. Generally, all people and all dogs are welcome at all events. Highlights include the Mystic Krewe of Barkus Parade during Mardi Gras, happy hours, and participating in local festivals, such as Po Boy Fest and Pet Fest. The Canine Aid & Pleasure Club also coordinates our world famous calendar. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, "every 9 seconds in the U.S., a woman is assaulted or beaten." Sadly, many victims are unable to leave a dangerous situation because they have nowhere to bring their pet, or are afraid of losing the pet during the tumultuous transition. Meanwhile, animals are also in danger because there is a strong correlation between domestic violence and animal cruelty. The Safe Haven program will hold pets on behalf of their owners until a safe landing spot can be found. We partner with local support programs and shelters, and utilize our existing network of foster homes

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