New Orleans Career Center

About this Organization

Since opening our doors in 2018, more than 2,000 New Orleanians - both high school students and adults - have gained industry-based credentials, technical skills, and firsthand workplace knowledge at NOCC. For pupils at 24 of New Orleans's public schools, NOCC provides access to half-day instruction, graduation credits, and early college classes that would be too expensive for the city's all-charter school system to sustain. Here young people gain both the career and technical education and the professional skills and social resources to succeed, whether they go directly to work, pursue additional education, or combine the two. Trainees can attend 1-3 years, choosing from programs in Healthcare, Building Trades, Engineering/Manufacturing, Digital Media, or Culinary Arts/Hospitality Management.
NOCC also creates an on-ramp to viable careers in Healthcare and Building Trades for adults by working with local employers to address urgent workforce needs. More than 80% of the Center's trainees qualify for federal benefits. 99% are people of color.
New Orleans Career Center: Engineering Dreams. Crafting Futures. Help us make New Orleans work.

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