Neighborhood Development Foundation

About this Organization

NDF was founded in 1986 on the beliefs that decent affordable housing is essential to the physical and emotional health, productivity and self-esteem of individuals and that homeownership has a significant effect on children's success.  Studies show that the positive behavioral characteristics required of homeowners are passed on to their children. These positive outcomes include: better health; fewer behavioral problems; greater achievement in math and reading; lower high school dropout rates; fewer teen births; more years of schooling by age 25; and an increase in high school graduation rates.  And in the community, homeownership builds and stabilizes neighborhoods. NDF's Asset Building program includes one-on-one financial counseling and HUD approved group education courses in Financial Fitness, Homebuyer Education and Small Business Landlording. NDF is also a community developer who's target area is in the "Central City - Hoffman Triangle Neighborhood" where in partnership have developed over 30 properties with 10 properties currently under development and available for sale to owner-occupied individuals and families.

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