Louisiana Abortion Fund

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In 2022, We pledged a total of $932,165 to assisting our callers access abortion care. We supported over 2,000 callers. Over 90% of callers travelled an average of 891 miles for care from states with abortion bans.Since the Dobbs decision, abortion has been fully banned in the three states our callers traveled to most frequently in 2021 (LA, TX, and MS.) While many of our callers are able to access care as nearby as Florida or Georgia, these states have banned care at 15 and 6 weeks, respectively. The majority of our funded callers are traveling much further for care to places like Illinois, New Mexico, and DC. Several callers have even traveled as far as 3,800 miles roundtrip from their homes in Louisiana to providers in California.This is compared to our callers traveling just over 260 miles roundtrip for care in 2021. In 2022, we pledged $543,195 total towards the cost of procedure with an average pledge size of $537. We disbursed $388,970 through practical support for childcare, transportation, lodging, food and other essentials.

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