About this Organization

Our activities include: high and low ropes challenges, canoeing and kayaking, team building, fishing, survival skills, hiking, and STEM-based lessons. Our model is based on SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) best practices using a combination of hands-on activities and reflection techniques to challenge students and help them learn from their experiences. We served over 4,000 individual young people in the '23-'24 fiscal year, with most participants coming from backgrounds historically marginalized by racial, social, or economic disparity. Most of our participants are PreK-12th graders in New Orleans area public schools, and a significant portion of our participants are students with special needs. We help students overcome fear and build confidence by leading safe, educational trips and coaching them along the way. Children learn key social and emotional skills by testing their limits, thinking critically, and working together. Through LOOP NOLA programs, New Orleans youth improve their SEL skills allowing them to accomplish more in school and build confidence to reach for their lifelong goals.

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