About this Organization

We organize and host generative writing workshops in all genres and even in hybrid modes. Past offerings include flash fiction and nonfiction workshops, writing in response to art workshops, Poetry & Movement workshops, a combined workshop and one-act play reading, and a love poetry workshop. Our generative workshops are geared toward getting anyone and everyone engaged in a cooperative writing experience that is fun and supportive. Combined with our workshops that focus on elements of professionalism, such as how to publish or how to protect the creative life, our programs aim to support creatives at all stages. We hope to continue to improve and expand the ways we provide writers and other local artists, artisans, and arts organizations with essential support. We are proud collaborators with other local organizations, and love creating opportunities to share and celebrate the work being done in the community through hosting readings and book launches throughout the month. New Orleans is special. We imagine a future built by our unified strength and hope to nurture each other's work, to inspire and be inspired by the robust and divergent creative scene of our city.

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