Liberty's Kitchen

About this Organization

VISION Capable and confident youth empowered to thrive in their communities. VALUES Youth-Centered: Providing space for youth to design and achieve their vision of success. Belonging: Equitable practices for all, regardless of race, identity, or life experience. Commitment: Continuous improvement to provide meaningful opportunities. Collaboration: Building relationships and working together to create the change we envision. Intentionality: Accepting individuals where they are and providing individualized support. Liberty's Kitchen's Youth Development Program (YDP) is a twelve-week work readiness intensive designed for New Orleans youth between the ages of 16-24, who are out of work and out of school. The program provides participants with technical and transferable skills training in a real work environment. Our team addresses barriers to employment ranging from housing, to mental health care access, to transportation. Trainees at Liberty's Kitchen gain valuable hands-on experience working in our cafe located on Broad Street, next to Whole Foods. YDP's goal is to develop graduates with a sense of purpose and the skills, tools and opportunities to thrive in gainful employment.

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