Louisiana Right to Life

About this Organization

As the state's pro-life resource, LARTL builds and serves local Right to Life Chapters throughout the state. These chapters, along with other affiliates, are ready to answer local, statewide, and national issues effectively. Along with its chapters, LARTL strives to educate all people in the truth about abortion and other life issues. We encourage the work of pregnancy care centers that offer real alternatives to abortion. LARTL promotes pro-life legislation at the state and federal level and informs Louisiana residents on how their representatives stand for life. LARTL is a nonsectarian organization not affiliated with or restricted to a particular religious group. We believe we can work with anyone to defend and protect human life. LARTL is also a non-partisan organization, not affiliated with any political parties. We are proud to boast of our state's commitment to life. However, we know there is much more to be done. We must work until every life is welcomed with love and protected by law.

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