Kinship Senior Center

About this Organization

Kinship Center (formerly Uptown Shepherd's) serves vulnerable older adults in Orleans Parish by providing critical resources. In 2018 we changed our name to make sure more seniors can easily find us to receive the fellowship and resources they deserve, such as: * daily transportation to/from the center and for field trips, grocery trips, and medical trips * Case management and mental health support * Meals on Wheels daily lunch * daily exercise including Tai Chi and balance programs * therapeutic arts activities, including the award-winning Golden Heart Players senior theater troupe Your financial support allows Kinship to provide these activities to seniors free-of-charge as a donation-based center.Kinship Center has worked for over 45 years to combat chronic loneliness and the accompanying cognitive decline that comes with social isolation. Your financial support will mean so much to the older adults who receive services, hot meals, socialization, educational opportunities, and wellness services at Kinship. For our members, the the center is their home away from home. Seniors benefit from socialization activities that prevent depression and from case management services.

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