Junior League of Greater Covington

About this Organization

The Junior League of Greater Covington was founded in 1977, and since that time, our members have been actively involved in the community through participation in worthwhile and ongoing community improvement projects and events. Part of the mission statement of JLGC is to develop the potential of women and to improve the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. The below descriptions of community projects will demonstrate how we fulfill this mission: Girls Health Day is an annual event, featuring a one-day series of demonstrations and workshops to educate girls aged 8-14. Workshops focus on important issues related to this age group, including drug and alcohol abuse prevention, self-esteem building techniques, cyber-bullying, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and much more. This event is held at Lakeview Regional Medical Center. Girls Health Day will be celebrating its 20th year in 2024! Project Prom is also an annual event which creates a boutique, where high-school aged girls shop for a new or gently used prom dress, shoes, and accessories at no charge. Hair and make-up services are also performed.

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