Grand Isle Garden Club

About this Organization

Grand Isle has been through a lot in the last 15 years, from Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav and Ike to the BP oil disaster, Tropical Storm Lee and Hurricane Isaac and then Hurricane Ida. Yet the people and spirit of the town have come back stronger than ever. As Louisiana's only inhabited barrier island, Grand Isle is a vital first line of defense for the state against hurricanes and a unique wildlife habitat for many species of marine life and birds. It is also an important hub for seafood and the oil industry. As a living testament to the strength and resilience of the people of south Louisiana, the Garden Club of Grand Isle was established to restore the island, focusing on native trees and plants, such as live oak, mulberry trees and the native Louisiana Iris. The group also plays an important role in cleaning the beach and making it accessible to the public. The group has grown and accomplished a lot over a short period of time. We couldn't have done it without our members and partners. Thank you!

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