Goat in the Road Productions

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Goat in the Road is raising funds for its award-winning educational programming, now in its second decade of existence. We cultivate young artists through Play/Write, a theatre and literacy program that in 2024 - 25 (the program's fifteenth year!) is reaching over 2,500 students across the Greater New Orleans Area. Professional teaching artists provide weekly, year-round, in-school instruction, culminating with each student writing an original play. The plays are professionally bound and published, and a selection are produced by local, professional theatre companies in a Showcase of student work performed for students, families, and the general public. In addition, GRP runs Goat in the Schools, a touring youth theatre show that brings student-written plays to 2,000 New Orleans area students annually. In the other part of its work, Goat in the Road makes exciting, original plays that engage our community around important social issues. These award-winning works employ the past to illuminate the present, providing context and history for our audiences. The company is currently developing 'Carlota', a new music-infused exploration of Cuba and the Gulf South.

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