Depaul USA

About this Organization

Depaul USA New Orleans works to end homelessness and change the lives of those affected by it! We work to provide housing for individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness and also suffer with mental health challenges. We operate three housing programs: the Rapid Re-housing for Chronically Homeless Individuals (RRCHI) Program, Journey Home PSH, and Coming Home PSH. All housing programs follow the Housing First Model which recognizes housing as a basic need for all people. In addition to housing, we provide each client with intensive case management and maintain frequent communication in order to help motivate, empower, and provide essential support. We work to set goals based on each individual's needs and hopes such as going to doctor appointments. Another aspect of Depaul USA's housing programs is being able to provide each new client with essential household goods and a new bed so that when they move into a new home it can be more than four empty walls. We rely heavily on donations to provide clients with these important items. In 2021, we started a wellness program that has opened many new doors to our participants to learn new skills and build community, also have fun.

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