Dental Lifeline Network

About this Organization

Many Louisianans who are older or disabled cannot afford extensive dental care. Dental Lifeline Network provides comprehensive dental care through its Louisiana Donated Dental Services (DDS) program. Through DDS, volunteer dentists and labs provide free, comprehensive dental treatment to our most vulnerable neighbors with disabilities, the elderly and those who are medically fragile. People who cannot afford necessary treatment and cannot get public aid. Since its inception in 1985, our DDS programs across the country surpassed $550 million in donated dental care, transforming the lives of 165,000 people. Our History In 1974, a young dental student dreamed of making a difference in oral health by changing the lives of people with developmental disabilities including his beloved sister, Barbie. Dr. Larry Coffee believe if diseases could be prevented, future generations would never be impacted by seriously neglected dental problems. Soon after graduating from dental school, Dr. Coffee founded the National Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped in Colorado, which later was renamed Dental Lifeline Network -- a national organization that has impacted thousands.

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