About this Organization

CVU's latest projects are: Metro New Orleans Street Gallery a utility box program where local artists help beautify neighborhoods through their artwork and are paid a stipend. Over 80 artists participate in the art box project and many have received additional commission work from the CVU project. CVU works Downtown, Gentilly, Uptown, Claiborne Corridor, Irish Channel, Lakefront, Carrollton, University, Mid-City, Bio-Medical District, New Orleans East, Broadmoor, Kenner, Metairie, Algiers, River Ridge and St. Bernard. CVU prides itself on working with the neighborhoods to create art that reflects their culture. Another project is a putting in small gardens that help beautify and bring positive attention to an area. Through these projects CVU has created a strong network of neighborhood associations throughout New Orleans Metro area to assist us with our mission in rebuilding. 375 art boxes completed and 2 murals.

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