Clearwater Wildlife Sanctuary

About this Organization

Clearwater Sanctuary receives injured and orphaned wildlife from all of southeast Louisiana. Since our doors opened in 1989, we have cared for more than 50,000 wild animals, giving them a second chance to live wild and free. Beyond rehabilitating wildlife and offering pet atrusts, the sanctuary trains people to become wildlife rehabilitators, maintains a senior citizen volunteer corps, supports a Rising Star Youth Developmental Board, provides ongoing continuing wildlife education for 50 volunteers, and provides college and veterinary school internships. Clearwater also serves in disaster rescue and recovery. As Director of BP Oil Spill Response for the Louisiana Wildlife Rehabilitator's Association, our founder was tasked by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to vet and train all rehabilitators who worked to care for the thousands of animals impacted by the spill. Clearwater works to get non-releasable wildlife from disasters placed in zoos and nature centers across the country as a reminder of the impact of oil spills, urban sprawl, climate change and abuse of animals and the environment. Following hurricanes and floods, Clearwater offers refuge to wild and domestic animals

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