Celebration Church

About this Organization

Celebration Church is one church that meets in 9 local congregations throughout Southeast Louisiana and one international location in Turrialba, Costa Rica. We are a church where God is met, love is felt, and lives are changed. We believe in authenticity, diversity, and practical teaching from the Bible. Helping everyday people encounter the presence of God in a loving and welcoming atmosphere is what we do so they can experience the life change many people seem to be looking for today. Our church is diverse, multicultural, bilingual, and intergenerational. We love reaching new people and doing whatever it takes to expand God's kingdom while here on earth. The Bible is taught in a practical, insightful, down to earth and humorous way. Worship is an integral part of our services in order to impact the lives of others. Connections through Life Groups are made and church members become family. Volunteering as part of our services and various ministries are encouraged. God has a special purpose for your life that you can know and carry out. Everyone can get free from their struggles and strongholds because Jesus can break those chains of bondage.

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