Cancer Association of Louisiana / Breastoration

About this Organization

CALA formerly known as CAGNO, assist with necessities crucial to healing and improving quality of life, CALA provides a bedrock of support for patients in their greatest time of need, reducing the financial burden for patients and their families. CAGNO's (CALA) program fills the gap in services provided through local hospitals, hospices and other healthcare agencies. Without CAGNO (CALA), these gaps must be met by family or friends or are not met at all. Patients are eligible if they are in current treatment, hospice or palliative care. CALA'S (CAGNO's) services also including...... In all 64 parishes - Breastoration, transportation assistance (gas cards), nutritional supplements and donated items such as wigs, mastectomy bras and prostheses. In the 23 parishes surrounding Greater New Orleans and Baton Rouge area, the specific programs available are prescription, medical equipment (walkers etc), nutrition, transportation and when funds allow household. A diagnosis of cancer is costly. Without CALA, these services must be met by family or friends or not met at all. Providing support empowers patients to continue on their path to recovery.

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