Cafe Hope

About this Organization

Café Hope supports young people ages 16 - 24 who primarily reside on the Westbank of New Orleans who are isolated from the more robust opportunities that can be found on the Eastbank of the city. The young people we serve are not currently engaged with school or a job, yet they desire to gain meaningful employment, care for their siblings, secure reliable transportation, gain confidence, and be active and engaged community members. They are motivated, eager, and driven to create better lives for themselves and their families. Rather than discount our young people, Cafe Hope leverages their strengths and removes barriers to success. Through workforce training inside our restaurant and coffee shop, life skills, job placement coordination, and increased access to social support services, we are providing opportunities for our students to earn living wage jobs, improve their health, find permanent housing and transportation, increase their overall well-being, and transform their lives. Ultimately, this leads to self-sustaining and actively engaged adults, a more skilled workforce, and a better economy for our community.

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