Bridge House / Grace House

About this Organization

Bridge House / Grace House is for the most chronic individuals suffering with substance use disorders, and a large portion of those suffer from Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). In 2024, we treated 733 individuals with 58.7% reporting a history of IV drug usage, 48% having experienced overdoses, and 30% reporting opioids as his or her drug of choice. With the growing prevalence of Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid 80-500 times more potent than morphine, being mixed in with other opioids and other drugs, easy access to substance use disorder treatment can mean the very real difference between life and death. We are unique in our approach to treating individuals with substance use disorder. Most of our residents have lost everything due to their addiction. We believe that it is our responsibility to respond to and secure the necessary resources to meet the needs of these individuals.

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