Birthmark Doula Collective

About this Organization

Birthmark Doulas is a New Orleans-based & community-led birth justice cooperative focused on improving the reproductive health outcomes and experiences of pregnant, birthing and postpartum people and their families. We accomplish this through direct birth and lactation support for families, continuing education opportunities and workforce development for people of lived experience, and local and statewide policy and culture change work with communities and health care providers. We are unique in having deep connections across the range of perinatal health stakeholders: community members and birthing families, hospital systems and providers, and other community based organizations. We believe that doula support is an integral part of creating a safe and positive birth experience, so we aim to make our programs accessible to everyone regardless of income by providing sliding scale and insurance payment options. Our direct client services impact close to 2000 families per year in the greater New Orleans area and our advocacy work and community partnerships extend that reach even farther.

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