Bureau of Governmental Research

About this Organization

BGR's work contributes to a Greater New Orleans that is both successful and vibrant. Through objective, nonpartisan research, BGR enables citizens and policymakers to work toward improved impact. Our reports inform the public about what government does, why it does it, what it costs, and how it is paid for. By broadly distributing the results of staff research and analysis, BGR ensures transparency and accountability for residents and public officials to engage toward the effective use of public resources. BGR accomplishes this through its public policy research to improve the function of local government. For 93 years, BGR has monitored and analyzed government policies, structures, finances and processes to identify critical issues that require best-practice problem solving. BGR then produces in-depth reports to capture and explain recommendations. BGR aims its efforts at institutionalizing and sustaining systemic improvement in local government, so current and future generations can benefit from the organization's work.

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