Belle Reve New Orleans

About this Organization

Completed in December 2023 - coinciding with its 30th anniversary - the new Belle Reve Center serves as the foundation for a healthy, welcoming and engaged community of seniors age 62+ with amenity spaces set aside for health and wellness, recreation, education, support and socialization. Residents enjoy a variety of outdoor spaces for recreation and contemplation, areas which may also to be programmed as available for use by the community. The Belle Reve Center will connect residents to resources, services and programs in the community that address their current and future needs through case management services for the senior residents, including informational referrals, help with benefit and entitlement assistance and access to psychosocial support groups: NA/AA meetings, bereavement therapy being examples, while engaging community partners to provide a variety of additional programs and services on site - financial and computer literacy, library book club, health and wellness activities.

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