Angels' Place

About this Organization

Angels' Place is a 501c3 non-profit children's charity serving seriously and terminally ill children and their families in times of crisis, overwhelming difficulty and great sadness. We currently visit and provide respite care to over 80 children in local hospitals. Angels' Place serves a total of 350 family members which include siblings. We are one of only a few charities of its kind in the United States, and the only one in Louisiana that provides ongoing, year-round services. Angels ' Place provides respite care, referrals to other supportive agencies, family friendly special events like Spring Fling, Summer Carnival, Thanksgiving dinners, a Halloween "Booville" party, Holiday gift Adopt an Angel program, and other family strengthening activities. In addition, we give financial relief to our families with a school supplies drive, toy drives, and gift cards for unexpected expenses. Read about more of our good works and programs on our website at

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