alignED New Orleans

About this Organization

Parent & family voices are essential to the success of our schools and the outcomes of our children 1. Through meaningful engagement with parents/families we aim to accelerate the impact of public education and improve educational opportunities for the children in our community 2. Equipping our parents/ families with the resources necessary to advocate for equitable education and public policy, is essential to the success of our schools and the outcomes of our students 3. Educating our program participants on our unique school system and how it's governed is essential to empowering our community and amplifying their voices alignED's Programs: -Parent Engagement Programming (P.E.P.) provides individualized coaching, community discussions, and leadership development to help families navigate NOLAPS. -Parent Engagement and Empowerment Resources (P.E.E.R.) offers wellness support and expert-led workshops. -The IEP/504 Pilot Program provides direct advocacy and resources to help families secure legally mandated accommodations. -#alignyourvote educates young voters on civic engagement, the role local elections in educati, and celebrates their voter registration and first vote

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