Xavier University of Louisiana

About this Organization

A Diverse Student Body The total enrollment for fall 2022 was 3,419, which included a freshman class of 838. Of these, 2,693 are undergraduates in the College of Arts and Sciences, 518 are students in the College of Pharmacy, and 205 are graduate students. From its founding Xavier has embraced a special mission to serve the African American Catholic community; however, its doors have always been open to qualified students of every race and creed. Today, 80 percent of its enrollment is African American/Black and eight percent is Catholic. Almost 40% of Xavier students are from Louisiana (37.2%), primarily from the New Orleans area. Non-local enrollment continues to increase with students coming from 42 other states and U.S. territories. Nineteen foreign countries are represented on campus. Student life is enriched by the social and cultural setting of New Orleans, and by campus activities designed to enhance personal growth, interpersonal skills, and leadership in such areas as community service, the environment, cultural concerns, and social justice.

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