Woodlands Conservancy

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Louisiana has lost more than 80% of its pre-settlement forested wetlands to development. In a research article by White & Skojac (2002), seven remnant forested wetlands remained in the Greater New Orleans area, two of which were cleared for development before their article was published. Following the tree canopy destruction and the damage from saltwater intrusion by Hurricane Katrina, Woodlands Conservancy represents one of the two remaining bottomland hardwood forests. Woodlands Conservancy currently owns and manages 840 acres of forested wetlands in the Greater New Orleans area. This includes Woodlands Preserve, a tract of 650-acres of forested wetlands in Plaquemines Parish and Delacroix Preserve, a tract of 190-acres of forested wetlands in Orleans Parish. With the current rate of wetland loss and relative sea level rise, these forested wetlands will be one of the largest forested land masses between open water and the city of New Orleans within the next 25-30 years.

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