Wellness Project New Orleans

About this Organization

Wellness Project New Orleans is a worker self-directed non-profit mental health organization based in New Orleans, co-created by a group of local Licensed Clinical Social Workers. In our work, we witnessed gaps in access to affordable wellness services and a lack of support in resources for wellness providers. We believe that mental health care and wellness is a human right, not a privilege, and that mental health care and wellness can be a cost-effective, accessible, and transformative part of reimagining a healthier New Orleans. Wellness Project New Orleans is excited to share that we have provided 500+ sessions to community members since launching our Therapy Program in September 2023. Your donation goes to helping us double that number! Help us raise $7500 to cover costs for the next 150 sessions. All of our clients have paid between $0-$50 per session. 31% of clients identify as Transgender and/or nonbinary 85% identify as LGBTQIA 49% BIPOC 65% have an annual income less than $30,000 Our goal is to increase access to mental health care in the Greater New Orleans area by providing counseling on a wide sliding scale and through supporting local practitioners.

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