Top Box Foods

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TBF collaborates with community partners and uses an innovative supply chain distribution model to make healthy food affordable and accessible for all. In 2013, TBF established the Makin' Groceries Program (MGP) in New Orleans, an affordable grocery service that accepts SNAP, and offers fresh produce and frozen meats at up to 40% lower than retail value. Pre-pandemic, we delivered grocery boxes to community hubs in low food access areas throughout New Orleans and Baton Rouge. At the onset of the COVID-19 crisis in March 2020, TBF transitioned to free, contactless home deliveries to keep the families and individuals we serve as safe as possible. Through TBF's partnership with Market Umbrella, we offer Market Match (funded by the USDA's Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program), which matches SNAP purchases dollar for dollar on all orders that contain fresh fruits and vegetables. Since offering and promoting Market Match starting in November 2020, we have seen a 41% increase in the number of people purchasing our groceries using SNAP. In response to our partner organizations' requests for our assistance in their free food distributions throughout the pandemic, we created the

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