Teaching Responsible Earth Education

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T.R.E.E. celebrates 30 years in 2025 by continuing 4 immersive science programs in nature's laboratory where learning is alive and ongoing! • Earthkeepers™ - 4th grade students understand 4 life science concepts: energy flow, cycles, interrelationships and change (3 days). • Sunship Earth™ - 5th graders focus on seven life science concepts and grow a strong sense of community (5 days and 4 nights, adding community, diversity and adaptation concepts). • Sunship III™ - 7th graders deepen life science understanding and focus on implications of decisions that affect their personal lives and their communities (3 days and 2 nights). • Lost Treasures (Pilot) - 3rd grade- learners embark on adventures leading to discovering Animal, Mineral and Plant Kingdom characteristics (About 50 hours of instruction over a school year). Each program has an engaging framework guiding children from one experience to the next. Highly trained educators ensure that each child receives an experience that touches their Head, Heart and Hand, creating memories and learning that sticks. As learners explore the inter-workings of Earth, they find in themselves and others the many gifts we have to share and grow

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