Special Connections

About this Organization

Special Connections offers a quality day program for developmentally challenged adults in the greater New Orleans area. We provide an environment where these individuals feel secure and valued. In addition, we strive to enlighten and enliven the lives of our participants by offering a variety of weekly activities. These include I-pad instruction, group games, movies, crafts, sign language instruction, aerobics, line dancing and art instruction. Monthly events include birthday celebrations and seasonal parties, such as the Black and Gold Tailgate party and Mardi Gras. Participants look forward to periodic field trips during which the group is exposed to a variety of local attractions and that allow them to engage with the wider community. Numerous year-round opportunities exist for volunteers to spend time with the mentally challenged and thereby gain insights into the life lessons they have to offer us all. Equally important, the program gives the family members a temporary break/respite from 24/7 care giving.

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