The Salvation Army of Greater New Orleans

About this Organization

The Salvation Army operates The Center of Hope, the largest general homeless shelter in the Greater New Orleans area. The Center of Hope provides food and safe lodging for up to 192 individuals per night. Additionally, The Center of Hope is the region's largest shelter for women with small children. The Army is well known for its shelter and feeding programs for the homeless as well as victims of disasters. However, if you look "Behind the Red Shield," you will see that we are providing solutions. We are collaborating and working with community partners to reduce the number of men, women, and children living in poverty and on the streets of New Orleans. We have launched "Respite to Residence," a program that works with Ochsner to house and care for unhoused patients while they recover from medical treatment. We work with our clients to find them safe and sustainable housing upon their recovery. In partnership with One Way Love and Delgado, we are piloting Next Chapter, our workforce development program this summer. The Salvation Army will provide safe housing at our Center for Hope for young adults at risk of homelessness while they pursue a professional certification .

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