STEM Library Lab

About this Organization

STEM Library Lab (SLL) believes that teachers are at the heart of student success. Through our work we aim to ensure teachers have the tools they need to create rigorous inquiry-based classroom experiences. Across all of our programs, SLL has engaged over 2,500 teachers, impacting 140,000 students and saving schools more than $2.2M. SLL operates 5 core programs aimed at improving the capacity of STEM teachers: Equipment Lending Co-op, Teacher Free-Store, Professional Development, EdOpportunities Database and Service Learning. Each program targets a specific set of challenges identified by local teachers. For GiveNOLA Day this year, we are focused on expanding the capacity of teachers through our Teacher Free-Store, which collects office and school supplies from local businesses and individuals, and gives them back to teachers and classrooms. The Teacher Free-Store has served 490 teachers this school year, and next school year we plan to quadruple this to over 2,000 teachers. To do this, we've launched a Capital Campaign to renovate the space.

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