Rho Chi Chapter Of Chi Eta Phi Inc.

About this Organization

Rho Chi Chapter hosts an annual Back-to-School event, where we distribute essential school supplies, donated by the New Orleans East Walmart, and the New Orleans Public Schools Education of Homeless Children & Youth Program . In collaboration with the Excelth Health of New Orleans East, we provide dental health education and free toothbrushes. We perform blood pressures, heart health education and referrals and a food give away from the New Orleans Food Drive. We added a voter registration drive, information on insurance products by State Farm, and STI & HIV screenings and counseling by Star Community Health . Our commitment to community health extends beyond back-to-school initiatives. We organize an annual health fair in collaboration with Philadelphia Ministries International, present kidney health education and nutrition at community events and host an annual Christmas Toy Giveaway. Highlighting our dedication to education, the Rho Chi Chapter Inc. hosts an annual Scholarship Luncheon, where we award scholarships to nursing students in the Louisiana area. Through these initiatives, we strive to make a positive impact on education, health, and the well-being of our community

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