New Orleans Bar Foundation

About this Organization

The New Orleans Bar Association (NOBA) and New Orleans Bar Foundation (NOBF) created the prestigious Veterans Justice Fellowship to serve the unaddressed civil legal needs that adversely impact the lives of 25% of New Orleans area veterans who are are low-income. A recent survey of veterans found that five of their top ten overall unmet needs needed the help of a lawyer in the areas of housing law, consumer issues, discharge upgrades, child support, and removal of legal barriers to employment. To address the civil justice gap confronting area veterans, we created the Veterans Justice Fellowship. The Fellow, who is embedded in the VA Hospital, has been working with veterans referred by the VA Medical Center, Start Corporation, Hope Center, Volunteers of America, and Bastion Community of Resilience. Overall, the VJF has reached 6,311 veterans, veterans' family members, veterans' caseworkers, and veterans' advocates since its inception and has opened 651 cases for veterans through December 31, 2024. The NOBA Veterans Justice Fellowship fights for veterans as they once fought for us. Help fund this Veterans Fellowship so together, we "Leave No Veteran Behind".

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